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OpenCV Blueprints book download

OpenCV Blueprints. Joseph Howse

OpenCV Blueprints

ISBN: 9781784399757 | 382 pages | 10 Mb

Download OpenCV Blueprints

OpenCV Blueprints Joseph Howse
Publisher: Packt Publishing

Detecting the presence of a photogenic subject. For support files and downloads related to your book, please visit www.PacktPub. Twitter · Facebook · Google Plus · Email · Prev. Application showcase In this section, we show some panorama images captured with our application. Classification Once you have extracted the features for all the samples in the dataset, it is time to start the classification process. This book is for intermediate users of OpenCV who aim to master their skills by developing advanced practical applications. OpenCV Blueprints - my first computer vision based book! Capturing data First, we need to create an app for a mobile device that can capture both images and gyroscope signals simultaneously. System overview In this section, we will explain the process to apply the trained model in your application. In the previous section, we discussed the use of the first biometric, which is the face of the person trying to log in to the system. Summary In this chapter, we explored a way to label the potentially interesting objects in a visual scene, even if their shape and number is unknown. Search in book Toggle Font Controls.

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