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Soundscape and the Built Environment pdf download

Soundscape and the Built Environment. Jian Kang

Soundscape and the Built Environment

ISBN: 9781482226317 | 256 pages | 7 Mb

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Soundscape and the Built Environment Jian Kang
Publisher: Taylor & Francis

"We find that noise is not confined to the built environment," Fristrup said. (Track 2) Experiential Simulation: the sensory perception of the built environment | 267. Soundscape and the Built Environment [Jian Kang, Brigitte Schulte-Fortkamp] on Maybe you have studied sound in built environments, used sound in performance, in film Perhaps when listening to a “soundscape”—sound heard in a real or. Exploring the role of sound in natural and cultural environments Read Kamin's article “Soundscape of the city is about more than decibels.”. Publisher: Taylor & Francis Group. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND BUILT ENVIRONMENT. Background information on soundscapes and soundwalks can be found on the pages that follow. Title Name: Soundscape & the Built Environment. Study called soundscape ecology, emphasizing the ecological characteristics of the sounds of the built environment enhanced people's perception of space. Soundscape and the Built Environment is the first book to systematically discuss soundscape in the built environment. Keywords: soundscape; ambience; affordances; design verification. (Track 2) Experiential Simulation: the sensory perception of the built environment | 315. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The built environment, and to highlight the interdependent. Called soundscape ecology, emphasizing the ecological char- acteristics of how the sounds of the built environment enhanced people's perception of space. I classify the role of site-specific soundscapes for the built environment according to two types of behaviors: the lingering garden, and the strolling garden. This aural understanding can enrich design of the built-environment as well as encourage greater care and respect for natural soundscapes.

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